The Early 1960's- Research and Development
Clare Barkalow (center), who later became founder of Michigan Instruments, Inc., began development of a mechanical CPR device through a joint collaboration of Butterworth Hospital and Lear Siegler.

October 1964 -
Model 1001
Dubbed the ECC (External Cardiac Compressor), the 1001 was one of the first closed-chest heart massage devices ever produced. Notice the more compactly improved design.

August 1969 -
Model 1003
Known as the Life-Aid domestically, the 1003 evolved from the 1001 and development of an adjunct ventilator (dubbed 1002) bringing both together in an "all-in-one" mechanical CPR solution. The Model 1003 was also distributed both domestically and abroad through representatives such as American Optical, Mennen-Greatbatch, Danatron, Siemens AG and Safety Supply

May 1972 -
Model 1004
The Model 1004 became the first model to be affectionately known as the "Thumper®". This trademark name for the device became a generic term for mechanical CPR throughout the medical community in both the hospital and EMS settings. This model incorporated a color coded piston and determination of A-P compression depth to accommodate delivery of proper compression depths

January 1985 -
Model 1005
Continuing with the Thumper® brand name, the 1005 used a clear dome with a numbered scale to better facilitate and deliver the proper compression depths. This model also incorporated an improved pneumatic control system, the ability to accommodate increased patient sizes and increased the range of adjustable compression force

June 1998 -
Model 1007
The design of the Model 1007 combined the control components into a single housing allowing it to carry a smaller 'footprint'. A larger diameter gel based massager combined with a "high energy" compression delivery mechanism were utilized to increase the blood flow with each compression. In 2006 the CC (Continuous Compressions) and CCV (CC w/Ventilation) versions of the 1007 were introduced.

September 2008 -
Model 1008
The Life-Stat® Model 1008 is electronically controlled. In addition to all the other benefits gleaned from the previous models, the electronics provide for multiple modes of operation. It also allows the device to meet current and future AHA guidelines. It is the most capable and lightest mechanical CPR device manufactured by Michigan Instruments providing true hands-free mechanical CPR. In keeping with honoring its loyal customer base, a Model 1007 can be upgraded to a Model 1008 at a fraction of the cost.